Professor Pedro Videla is Professor in the Department of Economics. He holds a Ph.D. and an MA in Economics, both from the University of Chicago, and a Magister and Commercial Engineering degree in Economics from the Universidad Católica de Chile. His areas of specialization include international macroeconomics and emerging economies.
Currently he is the Head of The Economics Department at IESE Business School and Academic Director of the Global CEO IESE-Wharton-CEIBS Program.
Prof. Videla has been the Academic Director of the MBA Program and Academic Director of multiple international programs at IESE Business School.
He has been a consultant for international institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, EU and the IADB.
Professor Videla has been visiting professor in more than 10 universities in different continents. Has written and collaborated in many books and papers. Recently he has received IESE Research Excellence Award.
As a consultant Prof. Videla has been involved in several projects with institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, EU, the InterAmerican Development Bank, and USAID.
He has also taught at the Universidad Adolfo Ibánez (Chile), the Roosevelt University (Chicago, USA), and currently teaches economics courses on the MBA program at IESE.