The Governing Board, Committee and the Regional Chapters have specifics functions

The Governing Board

The Governing Board shall consist of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellors and the Treasurer. The Secretary shall be in attendance at the meetings of the Governing Board. The Board shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the Academy. When distance between members renders meetings prohibitive in time and cost, the conduct of the business of the Governing Board by means of correspondence, incorporating, where necessary, mail ballots, shall be permissible and legal. The Governing Board may act notwithstanding any vacancy or vacancies in its membership. Casual vacancies in the Board shall be filled by the Board, and the person elected to fill the casual vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of the member whose place he/she fills.


The Chancellor may establish, with the advice of the Governing Board, standing Committees and special Committees. The Chancellor may be ex officio a member of all Committees. The life of special Committees shall expire with the completion of their assignment. The power of appointing the members of each Committee shall rest with the Chancellor in consultation with the members of the Governing Board. The Chairman of each Committee shall report annually to the Chancellor. Such reports shall be made known to the Fellows of the Academy by the Chancellor.

Regional Chapters

The Academy shall be divided into Regional Chapters, based upon the Regional Committees of CIOS.

  • Chairman – Each Chapter shall elect a Chairman who, upon taking office, shall become a Vice-Chancellor of the Academy. The Chairman shall serve for three years and may be reelected for another term of office of three years. He/she shall report to the Chancellor on the activities of his/her Chapter. One of the Chairman’s responsibilities shall be to nominate each year candidates for Fellowship. Their number may be established in agreement with the Chancellor. It shall also be the Chairman’s responsibility to ensure the life of his/her Chapter by organizing periodical meetings and consultations.
  • Fellows – The Fellows of each Chapter shall keep in touch with their Chairman and suggest action on questions of general interest, as well as on the activities of the Academy.
Appointment, Election and Terms of Office

The Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and the Treasurer shall hold office for a period of three years and may be reelected or reappointed for a further term of office of three years. A person who has held office for six consecutive years shall be ineligible for the same office, unless a simple majority of Fellows shall otherwise determine. The Fellows shall be elected each year according to established rules. After receiving the completed files of candidates, the Chancellor shall submit the retained candidatures to all the Fellows. A candidate who has been elected has to express, in writing to the Chancellor, his/her formal acceptance of the purpose of the Academy and of its Constitution and By-Laws before he/she is definitely accepted as a Fellow of the Academy. The election of a Fellow shall be confirmed by a diploma. A Fellow shall be entitled to wear the medallion and the scarlet and purple rosette of the Academy. Twelve months before the expiration of the term of office of the Chancellor, he/she shall call on Fellows, in writing, for nominations to fill the vacancy. He/she shall then circulate to all Fellows the names of the three candidates supported by most nominations and call for a ballot of the Fellows. To be elected Chancellor, the candidate must have more than 50% of the votes cast. As many ballots as necessary shall be organized to attain this result.


A plenary meeting of the Academy shall be held at least once every three years. The Regional Chapters shall meet at least once between plenary meetings, at the discretion of their Chairmen. Meetings of the Governing Board shall take place at the discretion of the Chancellor, and can be replaced by an exchange of views and by decisions taken by mail vote.


Recognizing that Fellowship of the Academy is primarily an honor and that no Fellow is required to contribute to the Academy’s funds, but recognizing also that Fellows’ contributions are the sole continuing source of finance, there shall be two forms of Fellowship: Contributing Fellowship and Non-Contributing Fellowship. Fellows may at any time choose the form of Fellowship in which they wish to be included. No distinction in Fellowship shall be referred to in the Academy’s Roll of Fellows. Contributing Fellows shall pay to the Academy an annual subscription, the minimum level of which shall be set from time to time by the Chancellor in consultation with the Treasurer. Contributing Fellows shall receive regular notification of the Academy’s activities, publications, meetings and congresses. Non-Contributing Fellows shall not receive such regular notification.