Kalle Lyytinen (PhD) is Distinguished University Professor and Iris S. Wolstein professor of Management Design at Case Western Reserve University, and a distinguished visiting professor at Aalto University, Finland.
PhD, Computer Science, University of Jyväskylä; Dr. h.c. Umeå University, Copenhagen Business School.
His research and teaching focuses in information systems (IS)- the field dedicated to explaining and understanding the uses of information technology to address organizational and managerial challenges in contemporary business- and especially interactions between technology, strategy, innovation and organization design. He is among the top IS scholars in terms of his h-index (92) and has the highest network centrality (Erdos of the IS field). He is the LEO Award recipient (2013), AIS fellow (2004), and the former chair of IFIP WG 8.2 “Information systems and organizations”. He has published over 400 refereed articles and edited or written over 30 books or special issues. He currently conducts research on digital innovation, emergence wide digital infrastructures, digitalization of design work, requirements of large technological systems, and implementing complex information systems in varied organizational settings.